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New Painting!
I just finished a painting of the PRE horse Eclipse XLII. This Spanish horse is owned by Ganadera AG/Andre Garnier, Costa Rica. Photo reference courtesy of Juan Sanchez, Costa Rica. Professional photographs of this artwork were taken by Walt Clayton, Costa Rica.
Horses for Omond
I was going through my stash of artwork today, tidying up. I have quite a few finished acrylic paintings removed from their stretchers and they needed attention. I cut up glassine paper to cover each one of them for protection. I did the same with drawings. While rooting around, I found this: I titled it… read more

Ann Hatchett Sprague – “Carbon Copy”
Here is a photo of an Ann Hatchett Sprague original oil on panel. The title is “Carbon Copy”. It is a minature, about 3”x5”. I found this in an antique store in, if I remember, either eastern Washington or eastern Oregon. There was a typewritten note attached which reads, “Carbon Copy” is the title of… read more
Art in Atenas – Second Show
The Atenas Painters Association is holding its second show this weekend at Hotel Colinas del Sol, Calle Boqueron, Atenas, Costa Rica. Hours: Saturday, August 27, 2-7pm. Sunday, August 28, 2-5pm. This show is being held in memory of Gordon Balter, our friend and neighbor who believed there were enough talented artists in Atenas… read more
2016 – A New Year
Another year has passed so fast and here we are in a brand new year. Although I haven’t posted many of my new paintings here, I plan to do so very soon. I have three new paintings to post – a pig, a goat and a young calf.
Progress of a Painting
I’ve decided to photograph the different stages of a painting I have just started. You can follow it here:
Painting of “D.o.g.”
I just finished this painting of “D.o.g.”, our next door neighbor’s beautiful Border Collie. D.o.g. is typical of her breed – very smart and very active. My reference photo was taken by her owner and, of course, I had the real dog to observe any time I wanted! She is holding in her mouth a… read more
En tandem/In Tandem
This painting is the largest one I have ever done – 34″ x 42″. The subject matter is a team of oxen that were in the annual Atenas, Costa Rica, oxcart parade in 2013. Atenas is the town we live in, located in the Central Valley. The Brahma breed of cattle is quite common here.… read more
“Tranquilo” is finished at last. I will let it sit for a couple of weeks and then varnish it. This gallery wrapped canvas has sides that are two inches deep so I carried over the grasses, sky, cow and tree leaves around to the sides. On one side, I painted a cattle egret. Here in… read more