Ann Hatchett Sprague

by Diana Miskell in Miscellaneous
In May of 2005, my husband and myself were on a holiday road trip in Washington State. We stopped in at Yesterday’s Village in Yakima (eastern Washington) and spend some pleasant time looking through the antiques. I found a small (3″x5″), framed painting of an Arabian mare and her foal, which I bought for a most reasonable price.
The title is “Carbon Copy” and it’s an original oil by Ann Hatchett Sprague, who unfortunately passed away in 1999 (hope I have that date right). It is an exquisitely detailed miniature. Apparently Ann prepared her board by using six coats of gesso, each left to dry and then sanded mirror smooth. There is so much detail in this tiny painting – it is a real treasure.
I’ve been trying to find some information about this equine artist on the web, but there doesn’t seem to be much out there. I gather she was a highly respected Arabian horse painter. 


Carol Reddish
I was looking up her name, because I found a painting of hers in the Salvation Army. The name of the work was "Desert Travelers" 73/300. I paid $1.49 for it. I was very surprised to find a little information about her. I paint in watercolors and had never seen oils that were so shiny and now I know why six coats of gesso.
Sheila Garcia
I met Anne Hatchet-Sprague at the Arabian horse shows. Her oils were exquisite. I once asked her why she still worked for the phone company when she could paint as she did. Why not make painting your work? She smiled and replied, " I never want my art to be work. I want it to always be my passion." It was such a brilliant thought. Not being able to afford an oil, I bought as many low numbered prints as I could and I have them hanging in my home, as I write. My favorite oil was the one of an oasis trading between tribes. Anne traveled to the desert to see the Bedouin way and to understand their relationship with their horses. I have a print of a mare and foal with the mare wearing an amulet around her neck which contained her pedigree. The mares were ridden into raids and a war mare was prized above all. Anne also had a collection of African animal art that she had painted. They were also wonderfully done. She was a kind, lovely lady and I miss talking to her. Every time I look at my prints, I feel blessed to have known her. I would love to share the prints I have. How would I post the pics on this blog?
Dick Snyder
I'm looking for information on Ann Hatchet-Sprague so that I can nominate her to the Taft Union High School Hall of Fame. I would like to ask if people who have purchased her art work could send me pictures so that I can use them to accompany the nomination. I need to know as much as any of you out there may know about her. I find in this blog by Diana more than I have ever known about Ann. Any more information would be greatly appreciated. Dick
Delia Druhe
Ann died in Oct. 2001. P. Coulson has mis-typed the city she lived in, it was San Mateo.
I have the artists proof of Ann Hatchett-Spragues "Moonlight Sentinel" it is beautiful and I love it. If anyone might know the value of it please contact me. Thank You, Pamela
Tracy Duzdevich
My husband Bronco Duzdevich, friend and client of Ann Sprague's has over 20 Original Oil Paintings of Ann's. (All are American Westerns - Cowboys, Indians, Horses of every kind). My husband has recently passed away and I still have all the original paintings. If anyone is interested in purchasing any of them please contact me. thank you
Yousef Salem
A few days ago a box arrived from my dear friend Colette who is the wife of my brother-like friend Dean Copsey who I have known for almost fifty years. I was astounded when I found a framed original oil painting by Ann Hatchett-Sprague that she painted for Colette in 1984 as a gift at a time when she was close friends with an Arab. The title is Night’s Sentinel and it is of a very handsome Arab in full Arab dress, holding a long spear and sitting atop a magnificently painted white Arabian stallion on a hill. It is night time and one can see the fine detail of the small village at the far bottom right of the hill over which he stands as guard and protector. Knowing that I, too, am an Arab, Colette sent this treasure to me as a gift and I cannot begin to express my appreciation of her parting with this very beautiful original painting by Ann Hatchett-Sprague knowing how much she treasured it and how close a friend she was with the artist. Colette has other originals by her as well but this one is striking in appearance and magnificent in detail. I am honored to have this gift from you, Colette, and equally honored and privileged to have you as my friend. I will leave instructions that this fabulous and very beautiful work of art be given to my son who in turn will leave it for his son and that it shall remain as a treasure in our Salem family forever.
Laurie Filsinger
Hi! I was just googling Ann Hatchett-Sprague as I met her in the very early 90's at the Arabian Nationals in Louisville, KY. I also purchased a signed & limited edition (20/300) of a *GORGEOUS* and I mean *GORGEOUS* print called "Fancy Lady." I just happened across it and was admiring it again & considering selling it when I decided to google her. I was so suprised & saddened to hear that she had passed some time ago. My condolences to those of you who knew her. Now I am not sure if I want to part with this little treasure. If anybody can tell me what happened to her, please email me at: Many thanks! ~XO
Bronco Duzdevfich
My name is Bronco Duzdevich and I was a close friend and customer of Ann. Believe it or not, I have over 20 Original Oil Paintings of Ann's. (All are American Westerns - Cowboys, Indians, Horses of every kind) If you want more informastion about Ann and her work/Life, please contact me. I also have so many questions unanswered.
More than an a artist, Ann was a friend. Someone who I admired respected and trusted. She was a animal person, ferrets were her favorite. I think above and beyond this all she was a Mother, who adored and respected her son. She encouraged him with all his talents. They were a team the two of them. I am greatfull and blessed to have had them both of them in my life..I see thing all around me Little trinkets from Ann makes me miss her every day. My picture from Gene "thump" hangs on the wall. i really miss them
Penelope, thank you so much for this information. I feel I know a bit more about Ann now. You are so fortunate to have two of her originals.
Penelope Coulson
Many years ago my husband and his first wife handled Ann's art exclusively. She was living in San Magteo, CA. She was a smart artist in tht she kept her job with a telephone company to provide constant income while folling her dream as an artist. Animals were here forte and she discovered the Middle Easterners would pay well for paintings of thier horses. I am sitting her looking at the two originals we own - both of Native Americans and thier horses. One has a White Buffalo - titled Big Medicine. What a talent. Penelope Coulson South Fork, CO

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